Here are five signs that should indicate to you that you need a gutter replacement.
Gutters play a substantial role in maintaining your home’s structural integrity. Functional gutters let rainwater flow from your roof to the gutters, which then gets brought to the downspouts and ultimately drains it away from your home. But if your gutters aren’t functioning properly, you might need to get them replaced to protect your house. Here are five signs that should indicate to you that you need a gutter replacement.
Get a Gutter Replacement for Overflowing Gutters
Gutters can overflow for many reasons. There could be an excess of debris that’s clogging your gutters and downspouts, which should only require a gutter cleaning to address. However, it could be something more significant as well. For example, your hangers might not be installed properly, or the gutters could be too narrow to take on the amount of rain that goes through them. If one of these is the problem, you might want to seek professional assistance and consider a gutter replacement to address the issue.
A Gutter Replacement Is Best If You Have Old Gutters
You’ll need a gutter replacement once your gutters get to a certain age. As gutters get older, they can start causing drainage problems. Gutters can get cracked or get holes in them as time goes on. The seams could get leaky as well. While you could try and repair these damages, it won’t be long before these problems resurface. It’s the nature of having old gutters. Instead, we recommend simply getting a gutter replacement so that those problems don’t keep popping up.
Weak Attachment
Gutters are attached to your home using either straps or hangers. These are often placed on the fascia board. If you have hangers that weren’t installed properly, there could be problems with your framing, fascia boards, and soffit, such as wood rotting. Your hangers also need to properly spaced out. If they’re not spaced close enough to each other, your guttering will start to sag due to lack of support. This will cause water to pool into areas around your house, strain your hangers, and ultimately rip the gutters away from the house.
Get a Gutter Replacement If You Have Foundation Damage
If your gutter system isn’t working as it should, your home’s foundation can be compromised. Overflowing gutters will cause water to collect around your home’s foundation. If not addressed, this excess water can find its way into your basement. Get a gutter replacement before this happens. This will not only solve the gutter problem, but it will also protect other parts of your home as well, saving you time and money in the long run.
Put JC Services To Work For You
If you need a roofing, siding, or guttering job done, then JC Services is perfect for your needs. With our expertise, we can offer dependable service anywhere in Anne Arundel County and its surrounding areas. We work with many different affiliates, including JamesHardie, Anderson AW, Owens Corning, GAF, CertainTeed, and Velux Skylights, to make sure you get the highest quality service possible.